5:27 AM / Posted by strgzr /

''....For more than a year Flore Magnet & Phil Von have been writing and directing the performance "Deadline Now" for & with the company Persona in Santa Maria da Feira near Porto.

"DEADLINE NOW" is about "TIME", a contemporary sad tale, the story of people existing in one of our modern metropolis during 36 hours. They walk, they run, they work, they phone, they step, they dream, they stumble, they loop, they bug

Yet we are witnessing the absurdity of their tasks, waiting for the appearance of signs of weaknesses, of tenderness, of love even of simple humanity.

To portray the ambiance of such a modern "time dictature", the music of Phil Von strikes as purely urban, electronic, cold and ruled by a strict tempo code, the most common and the most famous : 120 beats per minute.

This pulse is the master, the implacable reality of a metronomic heartbeat which all the actors follow throughout the performance The "Von Magnetic" choregraphic style will only appear as they stamp their feet "live" stubbornly Untill they find through exhaustion and despair the poetry, the freedom or the craziness towards a final exit to escape

Stretching "time" down to a universal wave of silence...''




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